Welcome to our FAQ page
We have compiled the most frequently asked questions on this page thematically and answered them.
General settings
I could not find the APP in the Playstore. How do I get the APP onto my smartphone?
How do I change the language of my 2getHR account?
First steps to set up 2getHR
How can I, as an administrator, set which employee changes I receive by e-mail?
Employee resignation. How do I enter the resignation of an employee?
What are webhook settings?
Why do I need to map my organisation in 2getHR?
How do I create an organisation?
What do I need to enter a proxy for?
What happens if I have not entered a proxy?
Do supervisors have to have the employee role “administrator” in order to be able to approve holidays / expenses or is it sufficient if they are recorded under organisation as department head?
Bexio Customers
How do I link my bexio account to the 2getHR account?
Configure Bexio API token
Transmitting working times to bexio
Onboarding / Offboarding
What happens after I have sent an invitation email to my employees?
A staff member asks me to resend the activation link. How can I send it to him again?
What happens to the data of an employee after his or her termination or employment relationship?
Time Tracking
Time tracking: general settings
Time tracking: Where do I enter the workload of the employees?
An employee changes his workload. How do I create a new work period?
Is there a possibility to enter an overtime/undertime balance as a carry forward as per 31.12.xx for the employee, so that he/she starts the new year with the corresponding balance?
How do I enter “compensation” in the calendar?
Employee resignation. How do I enter the resignation of an employee?
How are public holidays displayed in time tracking?
How can I export time sheets?
Holidays & Absences
Basic settings
Holiday balance: individual employees are entitled to a larger holiday balance. How do I enter this in the 2getHR?
Holiday balance: When 2getHR is introduced, individual employees still have residual balances from other systems. How can these be transferred?
Is there a calendar overview of the absences?
How do I enter “compensation” in the calendar?
Can the employee change already approved holidays again?
Company holidays / public holidays: How can I store company holidays (whole days) and / or additional public holidays in the general calendar?
Basic settings and expense types
Release process of the expenses
Lock months
Collective bookings and report options
Divide expense entry over several months
Payslips and documents
How are payslips sent with 2getHR?
Upload documents
How do I verify the identity of an employee?
Upload and sign the contract
Sign the contract
Delete a faulty contract
Appraisal interviews
What is the process of an appraisal interview with 2getHR?
How is an appraisal interview set up?
How do I include the company objectives in the appraisal interview?
Invite staff for interview
Is this a one-to-one meeting or will everyone in the company receive an invitation?
Security and data protection
How is the security of the data guaranteed?
Azure Active Directory Login
Configure azure active directory login